Summer reminder for all Students and Parents

We hope you are all having a fun and eventful summer thus far! Between jobs, internships, volunteering, and vacations many of you must have a lot to worry about. But the most important thing to worry about is to make sure you are ready for the nine months after summer vacation. Boot camps and registrations are a must for SEM students, and here we outline the important dates and events you should have outlined on your calendar and fridge.

All SEM Fall Registration

ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to show up for and complete registration.
Make sure to bring your student's social security card/number and current proof of residency (utility bill-electric, water, lease agreement). No phone bills please. Enrollment takes about 30 to 45 minutes and must be completed at the Townview campus. Please be prepared to provide a contact e-mail address and good day-time phone number to sign up for Parent Portal. Scheduling for enrollment is outlined below.

Freshmen Boot Camp

All incoming Freshmen are required to attend this Boot Camp that will run from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm every day from Monday, August 3rd to Friday, August 7th.
This Boot Camp will help the new students familiarize themselves with their fellow class, their soon-to-be teachers, and a few upperclassmen that will tell their tales of life as SEM students. This boot camp will help ensure all the new students start their freshman year on the same footing. Although we cannot provide transportation, we will provide lunch for the students every day of the camp. On Friday we will be doing a variety of games and team building activities.

Sophomore Math/Physics Boot Camp

For Sophomores who have received, filled out, and faxed/ dropped off the registration form, was due June 23. Camp takes place from Monday, July 27, to Friday, July 31, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm every day.
Due to recent changes by College Board to the Physics course material the math and science department has developed a summer course for Sophomores. The camp will be held from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm every day from Monday to Friday of the last week of July. There is no charge for the camp and food will be provided. You will need to provide your own transportation but lunch and breakfast will be provided. 

Senior College Readiness Boot Camp

Required for all incoming Seniors. From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on your assigned day.
This boot camp is being conducted to prepare students for their entry into college. Prior to their boot camp, students should have substantial drafts of potential college essays. These drafts should be typed, double-spaced, and IN HAND on the day of the boot camp. Essay prompts with further instructions are in the letter that has been mailed to you. In addition students need their resume, preliminary college list, and student information sheet, all of which should have been completed as part of the College Project. If so they will be ready for you here at the boot camp. If not completed please email Ms. Ashmead ( ). Boot camp schedules are below. If you have scheduling conflicts please email Ms. Kashyap at